
Monday, March 27, 2017

Developing for developers (Part One)

Setting up for dev

Some nights I wake up with great ideas, at least they seem great in my half slumber daze. I tend to scribble down these sleep-induced brain farts on my scratch pad that is with me at all times.

Having ideas is great, taking the time to work through the idea and truly assess its value is tedious, grueling, boring as fuck, but most importantly vital in allowing a developer to really understand the benefits and potential uses of the "Idea".

So... I got the idea, yay for me!
I worked out the bugs and have put together an action plan.
Lance 2... World 0!

Now its time to revolutionize!!

And go!!..., no wait, hold on I need a place to actually bring this to life. A playground or development area that has no bounds.

"Drum roll please..."
Introducing the "dev environment".

While this may not seem a topic that can be overlooked, not having a "ready to go" dev environment will dramatically slow down the pace of getting this idea out, and I can tell you from personal experience has been the leading factor to shelving many of my past ideas.

So for any serious entrepreneur, developer or ideas person, having a pop-up dev environment is critical.

The toolbox

One of the most critical assets to a developer is their toolbox, the dev environment is the most critical tool in that box... ok, enough blabbing, let's figure out how to get this bad boy built.

There are 3 basic requirements:
  1. Shouldn't cost me a dime or as cheap as possible
  2. Quick to go up, Quick to go down
  3. Don't fuck up my computer (this should probably be number one)
Firstly though, while I do want you to get this tool built and running as quickly as possible, I also want to enable you, by letting you know of the few failures I myself have experienced.

One note before I start talking about the failures. Each person has their own preferences and failure to me might be a success for someone else, so don't judge me and I won't tell you to shove it up your ass judge you.

Some options


These were the tools I used in the earlier days, they fitted my requirements as a beginner. I had no idea how to setup anything so clicking the install button and having everything work was a dream.
Until I required some additional PHP libraries. Im not going to get into what this entailed, but effectively I spent more time sorting out my environment areas than did actual coding.
Total bummer!! Wamp/Xampp, it was fun while it lasted... but to be honest you just don't give me that hard-on like you used to.

Cloud Services

In truth I have used 2 cloud services
Amazon offers a great free tier program with there smaller servers, once you understand the vast amount of services they offer, it is really easy going.

Digital Ocean is truly a simple platform designed for developers, where you can spin up a virtual server instance or droplet as they term it, install what you require (assuming you have the knowledge) and you are running. When you are done, you close the virtual space and move on with your life.
An added benefit is that Digital Ocean have put out a shit load of tutorials on setting up many different environments, so pros to them!

Lance's Way

My system, just to give a brief summary, is the coming together of two similar and complementary systems, the merging of the strength of Superman and the Wealth of Batman; The power of the Hulk and the speed of the Flash; It really is the PB and J of dev environments.

Ok, ok, enough fooling around, Vagrant using VirtualBox combined with docker and docker-compose. See I needed all those synonyms else that would have been the world's shortest paragraph!

Why you do this guy?

It fits all of my requirements!
  1. Free to use!
  2. Easy up, easy down. no, really the commands are:
    1. vagrant up (Server goes up)
    2. docker-compose up -d (Docker containers are running)
    3. docker-compose down (Docker containers are not running)
    4. vagrant halt (Server is turned off)
    5. vagrant destroy (Server is destroyed)
  3. Encapsulated environment means I'm not installing tons of weird shit on my machine, so less of a chance of this fucking my system.
  4. Bonus Reason! If your idea really is good and you bring on another developer, you simply share your vagrant file with them and BOOM!!! They coding quicker than Usain Bolt in the 100 Meter dash.

Putting it together

Use a fucking version control system (vcs)! No seriously, I don't care if its SVN, Mercurial or Git, just use one. You'll thank me later.

Personally I suggest git and I would advise using Bitbucket. I don't have anything against Github and I even have an active Github account, but bitbucket simply offers free private repositories (as many as you want). This means you can have the ease of using version control, and the ease of not forking out wads of cash.

Now that you have your VCS up, you will need two separate repositories, one for your vagrant project and another for your docker project. Of course, any additional development will be put in separate repositories.

Vagrant + Virtual Box

Install Virtual Box (from here)
Install Vagrant (from here)

Both the installers are pretty straight forward for Windows and Mac, so don't be a dick and just install them.

Vagrant Setup

There are tons of tutorials on setting up your vagrant machine, so I'm not going to go through each piece, but rather share with you the vagrant file that I use.

# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "geerlingguy/centos7"
  config.vm.box_version = "1.1.3"

  # Vagrant SSH :forwarded_port, id: 'ssh', guest: 22, host: 2221
  # Many ports to ssh into docker containers
  for i on 2001..2030 :forwarded_port, guest: i, host: i
  # Nginx HTTP/S ports :forwarded_port, guest: 8080, host: 8080 :forwarded_port, guest: 9080, host: 80 :forwarded_port, guest: 9443, host: 443
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb| = "my_vm" vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", 2048] end config.vm.provision "shell", path: "" end

Note the very last line, this is a bash file that you can edit in order to install whatever libraries you may need on the vagrant server. Remember though that no development is done on this server, it is simply a space to run your docker containers.

And that's it for part one, in the next part I will discuss installing and setting up docker, building docker images, using docker-compose and some other generally useful tools for your dev environment.